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Thick pancake with bacon, shallot and mushrooms

  • Post category:Laga Mat
  • Reading time:4 mins read

It is perfect for the family dinner or for the lunch box to microwave at work. Easy to make.


for 4 regular servings with salad on the side or for 2 very hungry people without salad;)

3 eggs medium size
5,5 dl / 2,2 cups fresh milk
3 dl / 180 grams flour ( wheat)
Just a touch of salt ( bacon is very salty) and ground black or white pepper ( what you got home or like best)

Of course you can explore the taste and add other spices such as chili or garlic – it’s up to you!

1 package of bacon 200 gram
1 medium shallot (or a yellow onion about 25 gram )
1 can of mushrooms or fresh ones about 5- 6 pcs cut into size you want

Butter to fry the shallot and mushrooms and to grease the form to put into the oven.

How to do make it

  • Put the oven at 200-220 degrees celsius / 392- 428 degrees fahrenheit
  • Take a bowl and mix eggs, flour and half of the milk, whip it roughly to become smooth and then add the rest of milk. This is the best way to avoid flour lumps in the batter. Add a touch of salt & pepper ( and the other spices)
  • Grease an oven form with butter to avoid boring cleaning afterwards;) Believe me it’s needed.
    Use a regular oven form that can take a bit more than a half of a liter into it. This is perfect since you also fill it with the bacon, shallot and mushroom besides the pancake batter.
  • Cut the shallot and mushrooms ( or just open the can)
  • Fry the shallot and mushroom in frying pan and put into the oven form
  • Cut the bacon into stripes / smaller pieces
  • Fry the bacon a bit but not too crunchy and put it as well in the oven form
  • Mix shallot, mushrooms and bacon together
  • Pour the pancake batter into the oven form and stir it a bit to get the shallot, mushrooms and bacon all over the pancake
  • Put the form into the oven and it’s ready after about 35- 40 min when it has risen, stopped and got a nice tan in the oven.
  • Take out and let it rest for a couple of minutes before you serve it with salad on the side.
    I like to have ketchup, chili sauce or lingonberries with it. But that’s me;)

    Bon appetit or smaklig måltid as we say in Sweden!